
Why Bihar is not Economically Rich

Why Bihar is not Economically Rich?

Well friend I am Anant Kaushal a Motivational Speaker from Bihar. But this blog will not be going to motivate you because this will show you some truth about why Bihar is not Economically Rich? Today in cities like Delhi Mumbai or somewhere out side of Bihar “Bihari” is become an abuse. Infect I have been faced these things some time.

This is really surprising that after a very reputed history why we are at here now? Bihar is the first state of India, Bihar was a mineral reach state, maximum number of UPSC cracker from Bihar. First President from Bihar, always Bihar mathematician has made history Aryabhata, Uday Narayan Singh. Bihar mathematics book are always been top selling books in India. World first university was in Bihar Nalanda University. After all these example of great educational example Bihar have now 64% literacy.

Now the great Economist whose theory of economy still in use Vishnugupta Morya or Chanakya also from Bihar and now Bihar economy is just backward. Why what are the reason behind it? What I have observe there are 7 reason are following.

1. Bihar Geographic condition

If we look Bihar on the map, we found Bihar Is entirely locked border state. There is no she border so Import and Export can be easy from here. Bihar surrounded by other state there is no International Border and one International Border is there but with Nepal, doesn’t make some seance for economy growth. All International and she borders are so far from here so the transportation coast become too high and its directly impact to cost of product.

2. Educational and Population condition

Bihar is very well known about his low literacy level is low and the population is too high. Bihar literacy rate is only 64% when in India most IAS and IPS are from Bihar only. Because Bihar have not good infrastructure for education. Due to high population government have no enough resources. And school are not good enough for supplying better education and not enough no of government colleges are there.

3. No Major Industries

Bihar is a buyer state they buy product from other state because industries are not here. After closing sugar meal and fertiliser factory number of industries become more lesser. Since 1970 no major industry established here. And the maximum we lose when Jharkhand division happened all-natural resources gone with Jharkhand.

4. Government policy and Politics

After independent there are many big leaders was actively participated in Indian politics but they also not did much for Bihar. Till 1990 Indian Prime Minister elected by UP and Bihar influenced but they did not make some good policy for Bihar.

 Infect In 1950 Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru government make a policy named Fright Equalisation Policy. According to this policy any organisation can bring coal or any natural resources from any where to his factory and government will give subsidy for the transportation. And all big manufacturing plant bought coal from Bihar till 1990.

After 1992 when LPG (Liberalisation Privatisation and Globalisation) are started function. In India and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) has come and industrialisation stated in whole India and our economy started growing. It was the great time for growing any state, all state head invited company to establish his industry. And we were enjoying to involve in cast politics and still we are enjoying it.

5. Youth focus on Job

In Bihar if one side literacy rate is low then another side maximum no. of UPSC cracker are from Bihar. Because Bihar is known for his extreme intelligent and laborious student. But they don’t even think about entrepreneurship.

Why it is happening because our family given us blueprint for our career and that is good education and a job so that we can settle smoothly. 


    Anant Kaushal




Why No Job for Engineers?

Why No Job for Engineers?

As we know in today’s corporate world vacancies for Engineers are very less and Number of Engineers are too much. We are producing more than 1.5 million of engineers every year that is more than the number of engineers producing China + USA both every year. And we very well know about the condition of Engineering Career in India. So, in this blog we will discuss Why No Job for engineers, why they are jobless, or why they are not getting job in his core engineering field?

After looking a lot of questions about engineering job I will try discover the main reason behind the situation. Well there are many reasons behind it are following.

Note: – The survey report in this blog are based on Engineering Graduate only, and top ranked college like IIT data has not been taken.

1. Student Mindset

        The biggest reason behind these situations are student mindset. In a study report shown that less than 20 % of students are doing Engineering not just because of job. In these 20% some are looking for higher education in Engineering or some other field. Rest in these 20 % some are looking for research work and rest are wanted to be an entrepreneur. Rest 80% are desperately looking for job after engineering.

        Now we can image the situation, before pointing anything or blaming others they just need self-assessment. They must to understand that how much they are responsible for the condition in front of them. They will be found more than 75% they are responsible for his condition.

       Every Year thousands of highly qualified talented engineers migrate some other country because of job. I have given my motivational speaking session in many engineering colleges and i found many students with full of talent but still they focus only on job.

This was really shameful for us that Steve Wozniak Co-founder of Apple said about Indian student. That the meaning of success in India is higher education and get a good job and no focus on creativity. And this is true, because our population share is 17% of world population but when we talk about talent share that is only 2% and in these 2% most are migrated other country. Now we become most job consumer in the world. And the job what we required we are just unable to produce. This is a really funny situation that we are producing medicine but we have no disease and our good medicine are just useless. Hear medicine is our Engineers and disease are the applicable area where engineers can work.

We never think how it affect our economy in 2017 State Bank of India given 16000 cr. loan and now it’s become 20000 cr. outstanding. And some other banks have not counted in this figure. This is our investment for no return. A country producing 1.5 million engineers and his GDP is 5% this is shameful my friend.

Engineers are those whose don’t know the meaning of Impossible, an engineer could never lose, they never fail because they gain feedback. They are self-motivated, they don’t care what ordinary people think about him because they are extra ordinary. They don’t need some other motivation because they believe in himself, they don’t want other permission. Yes, I am an Engineer.


    Anant Kaushal





Why People Don’t Buy

Reason Behind Don’t Buy

In My last blog we understand How to Sale Anything. Now in this blog we try to discover why People don’t buy your product? Because This question has asked by many trainee in my training session. There are 5 reason working behind people don’t buy.

1. Need not clear

People who no need or less need will don’t buy your product. We must experience many times in somewhere mall or some shop where some commodity attracts us and we go to see the product. We don’t need this or the need is very less, we came there because the beauty of the product. And some sales executive come to us and he enforce us to buy the show many products to buy. And that is very annoying they interrupt us and finally we leave the shop, without viewing whole product mix of that shop. And we don’t buy anything there. According to me the customer who told you no need they are a good person. They don’t kill your time and you should leave them and move on.

2. Desire not satisfying

People don’t buy product or services not only because of no need right now but the product what you offer is not satisfying his desire. Many times, we buy product which is not naseberry for us. But product can create some social value for us. Some time they satisfy our ego. For an example in a society someone Mr. X bought a car and it create some social value for them. Then suddenly some more people will buy the car who think Mr. X and my social value is same.

3. Need but Not Now

People with no urgency I also a reason for don’t buy because we know very well delay kill sales. In this situation customer will show you less interest in your product. Because they are not very much clear about his problem and the solution. In this case customer might use some defence line: like call me after this month, call me after this financial year, market is not good now. In this situation you have to work with your client and you need to understand the real problem of your customer. And this will be converted into sale.

4. Financial Issue.

Well my all guideline is for high value product so financial problem will be a major issue to people don’t buy your product. We found many times when people need the product, product fulfil the desired of client and they need the product very urgently. So, in these kinds of cases your sale must be close just you need to allocate his finance. All previous issue which we have discussed the financial issue will be best for sales point of view. Because in this case you no need to create the need, understand the desire and no delay. Here only you need to help him to arrange money to buy your product and today in market lots of financial support organisation are there.

5. Trust Issue

People don’t buy your product because of the don’t trust over you or your product, your brand. Some time we found our customer need the product, satisfy his desire, urgency to buy, enough money is there but sales not happened. Because they don’t trust you, you need to give some social proof of your brand. You need to show your previous customer testimonial, your previous customer positive feedback to them so that the recognize you. Thanks

    Anant Kaushal

+916201757749 +919955711225 ,

How To Sale Anything

      How to sale anything, in my training class this question asked many times. They also asked why I my sale is not happen? What are the core steps to follow to sale anything?

Well if you asked to me then my point view the sales is an easiest responsibility I ever handle. Todays I found new sales boy think sales job is the worst job but it’s not true it’s easy as other job. Your sales will be as easy as I was doing and you will be able to sale anything. For this you just need to follow only 4 steps.

1. People don’t like to be sold they love to buy.

This is a very first thing which you need to understand that people never like to be sold. No one even our self we don’t like to any one stranger sold something by his forceful sales behaviour. When we are trying to sales something very aggressively people think they are making me fool. And no one wants to be fool.

People love to buy; in this point we need to understand when people buy something, they feel this is my decision. And I need this the thing which I bought can solve my problem. Or the product I bought this is very necessary for me.

   2. Understand your real customer.

    In this step we understand our actual customer. Actual customer means the decision maker because sometime we are talking with a wrong person. So this is very understand who is the decision maker. For this you need to understand the organisation hierarchy. In your complete sales closing in any organisation you have to divide your customer in 5 part.

       a.  Initiator

       b.  Influencer

       c.   Decider

       d.  Buyer

       e.  Consumer

    All five are important but we majorly focus on Influencer and decider. Because Initiator can be anyone buyer will come after the decision has already made. And consumer who will use the product the end user.

   For an example of Baby Food:

   in this case Initiator can be anyone it can be a TV add also, Influencer will be the baby doctor and decider will be baby mother. And ones she decides yes then she buy the product or she will call someone to buy the product. So now I hope this is very clear about the role of “Influencer and Decider”.

    3. Understand People need and help them.

    In this step we understand why someone buys my product and services. Because people don’t buy product people buy solution.

    In first step we understand people love to buy. Now we need to create some environment so that people demand our product.

    How it will happen? For this we need to understand people behaviour his need his problem.

    I have found in most cases you lose your sale because you speak too much about your product. And that is annoying your customer don’t do this.

    First make them open as much as they open your work will be easy, you will understand his need his behaviour and his problem.

    Ones you understand his need just show you product or services according to his behaviour as a problem-solving thing. Then they will buy it his behaviour will automatically change. They never feel that someone sold something to me they feel I have bought this for my need.

   4. Understand the budget of customer.

    Now think all three step we had followed and your customer is ready to buy the product but he has no budget then you will lose the sale.

So, in this step we will judge our customer on his buying capacity. Here you have to face 4 cases

      a.  Customer with no budget and no interest:

    In this case you just need to give-up and the customer because they cannot your buyer and you no need to waste your time there.

      b.   Customer with good budget and interest:

    This will be your perfect customer in this case you will 100% get the sale.

      c.  Customer with good budget but less interest:

If they have budget but they are less interested then we have to follow our 3rd step “understand people need and help them”. If this step will be done and you understand the problem of customer and your product solving it then interest will be automatically increase.

      d.  Customer with less budget but high interest:

Here you just need to help to allocate hi finance by some loan or some other solution.


    Anant Kaushal




Strategy to Crack SSC CGL

What is the Strategy to Crack the SSC CGL for someone who is Academically Poor in all Subject?

Before some time, I have created my Account on Quora and I have seen a very meaningful question: What is the Strategy to Crack the SSC CGL. Well I am Anant Kaushal a Motivational Speaker and Career Coach my all services are free for students. In this blog I am not going to focus on how and what should you study for this there are many posts on Quora. But I will focus on how much your academic record will responsible for your SSC CGL. Friend I just want to congratulate them who put this question. He really doesn’t know that he has already cracked 50% of SSC CGL by asking this question. I have a story for you, A village Sarangpur in Gujarat when Dr. Kalam was launching his book. A 9 years old girl came to Dr. Kalam and asked in his ear only that how can I be a great scientist? Then Dr. Kalam replied her do you know what have you done right now you asked to me without fear make it your habit for life and always ask question. This question shown your fear but “Healthy Fear” this should be in every student that is “how can I”. it is a progressive question. Now let’s face your fear inside your question that you are “academically poor”. Now I want to ask some question from you: How did you decide that you are a “academically poor” student? This decision has come from you or some external force has generated this. How can you challenge yourself on the base of some printed document? Do you think piece of Paper can decide your future? No, it’s cannot. Some of my favourites personality all those are my ideal and world famous:

Albert Einstein

APJ Abdul Kalam

Dhirubhai Ambani

There is one thing which is common in all three that, they are an average student in his academic record. In fact, Albert Einstein was school dropped out. And not only these three names but there are lots of name who have not very good marks on his marksheet and make history. In SSC CGL syllabus more than 80% come from you 10 to 10+2 in tier1 and tier2 and the subject will be English 250 marks and Math 250 marks Reasoning and GK 50-50 marks. Now you tell me how your excellent marks will help you in SSC CGL. Don’t think about what has happened think what you want to be in future?just is your goal and how can you achieve your goal? My Friend SSC CGL is not very easy goal because an easy thing cannot be a goal. A goal which make you proud will always tough and you have to go through it. You are going be on among top 10000 in 130 cr. So just start from today and enjoy your efforts just think your effort is your achievement and increase your achievement every day. Anyone can ask me for personal motivational session and for student it’s free.

Anant Kaushal

+916201757749 +919955711225

Top 5 Career In Future

Top 5 Career in Future

Today we are talking about Top 5 career in future. Engineering, ITI, Polytechnic was the best career option before 2000 when manual work was the only option. People was highly dependent on technical person for any kinds of technical work. Till 1995 even mailing system and all technical thing was manual. Because only 0.5% using Internet and technical information was the biggest thing in our life. But now Engineering Career in India is just not up to the mark and jobs are not there. Because now computer and Internet has come to more than 60% of human’s palm.

And now we live in Digital world, where Internet makes a lot of work easy and cheaper for us it’s directly mean it replacing human job. A big reason for unemployment. And again, to improve technology we need human.

So now we will discuss about best future career are following:

Note: Following career option are related to computer and no need any kinds of certificate or minimum education you can learn from any Institute in India.

1. VR and AR.

If we talk about the best career option which is going to boon in few upcoming years than Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality these two things are going to create around $150 Billion of till 2022. And its today’s market is only 30 Billion dollars so you can image how this is going to boom. Previously VR and AR ware using only in game but no its going to apply in Film Making, Advertisement, Classroom, Newsroom, Operation theatre, research room and many more places.

2. Ecommerce.

In 2030 Indian Ecommerce market will be more than 500 Billion dollars and today it is around 57 Billion Dollar. So now you can image what growth is about to come in this field. In India only 50% of citizen are using mobile and only 40% of them are using ecommerce for only few products. So now you can masseur what business you can make over it.

3. Digital Marketing.

After 2025 print media will going to be disappear. Electronic media and Digital media will be existing that time, but Digital Media will hold more then 60% of advertainment share. If we talk about today’s market share its only 9% of total advertainment budget. So, you can image how your career can boom in this field.

To become a Digital Marketing expert, you can do Digital marketing course from any reputed institute. You can du this course from your home also by YouTube.

4. Gaming.

Todays and after 20 years gaming industry will be still growing stage. But after 2030 gaming industry will be entirely changed that time game will be into 3D projector. You will be able to view your game world into 360-degree mode, you will feel you are into real world.

To become a game developer, you can do some animation courses you can do these courses without any educational certificate.

5. Cyber Security Expert.

Above all these career option you no need to be a computer expert but a cyber security you need to be an expert. After increasing dependency on internet day by day Cyber Security is a big question mark. We are looking everyday a cyber hacker manipulating our information. Many times, we found that someone lose his money from his account by cyber-attack. And still we are so scared to make transaction by online.

Here the cyber Security Expert work start. A Cyber Security Expert can protect your Information from hacker.

Now talk about career out of this today only 5% of Indian Citizen using online payment. You can image how career opportunity are there.


Anant Kaushal




Online Money Earning

Online Earning Money:

If you are here it means you are looking for online earning money. In this digital world it become easy to earn money online. Today’s people are making huge money online. If we talk about the average income online then it’s around $2000-$3000 per month. And the best part of this you can do many of job by your mobile with Internet at any place. I have shortlisted the best 10 ways to Earn Money Online are following:

1. Earn Money by Blogging

If you have skill to write article then Blogging will be the best option for you. I have seen people are making money by this profession. For blogging there are many websites like, you can make your own website for blogging.

2. Earn Money by Content Writing.

This is also a Writing job Online but in this you no need to write a big article. Here you could be write small post guided by your client. In this you may be post a job on site, social media post. For these kinds of job some best paying sites are following:

3. Earn Money with Online Surveys

Online surveys are the best option for those who don’t prefer writing this is a much easy then Blogging. In this you just need Mobile or a PC and Internet. There are many websites where you can register and get online survey task. For this top 5 websites are following.

4. Earn Money with PTC Site

Here you need to see, read, and play the add online for 10 to 60 second by this also you can earn money. There are many sites where you can get such work you can find on Google and Youtube.

5. Earn Money to becoming virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant is just like personal assistant, only difference virtual assistant work online without physically present. In these kinds of work someone hires you online and they will give you task to complete and send him back. Some time you have to make some call also. For these kinds of job some best paying sites are following:

6. Earn Money online by Data Entry.

This is the easiest task which you can do online. Today’s digital world we every one knows about data entry. For these kinds of job some best paying sites are following: Only you have to register on these sites as a freelancer.

7. Earning Money online by graphics design.

Those who have good command over Photo Shop then this would be going to the best job for you. are offering many jobs like this. You can earn $2000 to $3000 per month very easily.

8. Earning Money online by animation.

Those who have good command over Animation then this would be a great job for you. Sites like you can find thousands of jobs for Animation. This is very high paying job in these kinds of job you can charge $40 to $100 per hour. I found people earning $5000 to $10000 per month by doing this job.

9. Earning Money online by Video Editing.

This is another very high paying work online. If you have knowledge of video editing and you have a good computer then this job for you. Sites like you can find thousands of jobs for Video editing. In this time every day more than 5 million of Video uploaded on Youtube for this people are hiring video editor. You can earn $5000 to $10000 per month by doing this job.

10.       Earning Money online by Social Media Marketing.

Today’s the power of social media is not a hidden thing by this government can be formed and can be destroy. So if you have interest in social media then this job for you. Thanks Anant Kaushal +916201757749 +919955711225


Finland Education System

Finland Education System

Today we are talking about world’s best education system That is Finland education system. This is not my word its whole word, today whole world follows Finland education system. Developed countries like USA, Canada, Japan, Frans, China, and many more are following Finland Education System. How it is best world-wide this has shown in PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) result. PISA exam is conducted by OECD (Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development). It has started since 2000 and its been conducted every three years. Since 2000 to 2012 Finland was on top ranked in PISA. So now you got how Finland education System is best.

Some More about Finland Education Process:

Admission Process

In Finland School child admission only possible after 7 years or more. Before 7 years child need to learn at home from his/ her parents. If we talk about the child psychology the standard age for start study is 7 to 9 years. In Indian Gurukul also there was some minimum age limitation that was 9 years. Because all Gurukul accepted child admission after Upnayan Sanskar and the standard age for Upnayan Sanskar was 6 to 9 years. And now this process has also adopted by USA here is an Image.

School Lunch System

In Finland they offer Lunch to his student free since 1953. Finland gives lunch to his student which is very good for health and his brain development. England has replicates Finland School Lunch System.

School Uniform System

Finland don’t believe in Uniform system, here school never forced to his student to ware uniforms. Child ware cloths as his/ her choice.

Class Sitting Arrangement System

What we called discipline Finland don’t believe in that. In school students can sit in his class as any order or any were. School use Bean Bag for student to sit. In a study report has shown that student sit on Bean Bag learn 20% more then the student who sit on traditional way.

Outdoor Class System

School did not limit his study inside the classroom, but they take class outside the classroom. It might be the park of the school or some small forest place. So that student must feel happy with no boundary classroom.

Don’t Bother Study

In Finland teacher don’t give homework to student. Student less than 13 years only 4 hours school and no need to give exam. More than 13 years student 6 hours class, they give 15 min. break after 45 min. class study. And this has shown in a study that after 45 min study 15 min gap is good for learning.  


The major factor of Finland Education System is his teachers. In Finland only one teacher teaches whole class for at least 6 years from beginning of a student. One class only one teacher teaches all subject. By this only student become very familiar with teacher and they share more problem to his/her teacher.  In Finland a teacher gets same respect as a doctor, advocate, police officer. Because in Finland its very hard to become a teacher. A teacher gone through a very tough exam.

Government Policies

Finland government are making policies for student very aggressively. They invest a very big budget on his education so that all kids can get quality education for free.


 Anant Kaushal 


+916201757749 +919955711225


How To Be a Good Parents

Every Parents are always Best.

This blog is dedicated to all parents.

Those who are reading this post must be a parent or about to become. And-if you are finding these kinds of article then you are a sincerer Parents. And you want to make your child batter in growth, best in his class, smart in thinking, good in looking. Today’s life we have less time and big desire, and every parent wants to give his child a bright future.

As we know our social status is derive from our child development and these are the real benchmark of a good parents.

Stop here: Give me a break———————— every parent wants to become a good parent and my first line of the post is Every Parents are best and we are trying to make ourselves good as a parent. How funny is this? A Best trying to make himself good.

But yes, we can improve ourselves and have some tips for this.

1.  Don’t judge yourself.

The biggest mistake by any parents is to judge himself in compare with others don’t think about it. If you are worried about your child’s growth and your making a question mark on yourself then you are playing with your child’s future. These kinds of question make you demotivated and that will not good for your child.

2.  Don’t judge your Kids.

Another biggest mistake by any parents they are judging his child with others on the base of “his marks”, just don’t do that.

A marksheet or an academic record is can not be the only benchmark to judge any kid’s talents. I have many examples which show your marksheet is just a piece of paper.

  1. Albert Einstein: A school dropout.
  2. APJ Abdul Kalam: An average student.
  3. Dhirubhai Ambani: 9th standard
  4. Sachin Tendulkar: drop 10th due to Cricket.

And there are lot of name who made history without a good mark on his marksheet.

3. Don’t decide his future at childhood.

Parents always decide hid kids’ future when he/she not even born. And after his/her birth they do all experiments what they had decided with hid kids, for example: Parents decide to send his child school at only after 2 Years. Don’t do this, give time to your kid growth by his own at least 5 years. In these times of period you need to observe your kid’s talent. Understand about in which area he can do good and what is his/her weaknesses.

4. Give time to your kids.

Finland Education System is known as the best education system in whole world and in Finland school takes admission only if your child is 7 years. And in these 7 years parents observing his kids and guide them about all good habits, and social needs.

According to all psychology report about kids they can’t control his mind, his emotions so how any school can develop a child at the age of 1.5 to 2 years. We need to think can our child learn from a stranger in the group of 40 kids by word of mouth. So, for this a kid’s mother will be the best teacher at least for five years.

5. Identify your child talent.

When you will spend time with your child you must be able to identify his/her strength and weaknesses, you will be able to understand your kid’s talents. For this you can give them different kinds of puzzle to solve. You can show them some video, audio, and many more situation and find his strongness. Find what he/she can do better and then you can push them up.

6.Support them to flow with his talent and ability.

Ones you recognize the talent and ability then you need to support them to move on his flow state he/she must will enjoy to do it with his education. Or the thing what they like most are any of his educational subject them you must to give some value-added thing to improve more in it. By this only you can support your child and they will grow better with joy and they must be succeeded on day.


Anant Kaushal




Engineering Career In India

Engineering Career in India


Engineering is the best career provider domain in India since 1847. What about today’s status for Engineering Career in India?

Today India is producing biggest no. of Engineers among whole world. Every year in India 15 to 20 lacs. of student enrolled for Engineering, which is more than the total No. of engineers producing every year, by USA and China both.

Let’s have some facts:

 Total Number of Engineering college and Students in India

In India more than 8000 colleges and Institute in these institutes 6276 are approved by AICTE and rest of them are not. In 2018-19 total no Student enrol only for Engineering (not Architecture) in AICTE approved institutes: 1399662 students and many more enrol for non AICTE institute.

Status of Indian Engineering in Innovation

We Indian 17% of total population of world and producing more than 40% of engineers of world. This ratio is entirely change when we talk about Innovation then only 2% of our contribution worldwide.

Some more facts about today’s Engineering career in India

In India according to the survey report 2017 of ASSOCHAM (Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India) 97% of Engineering students are underemployed. One more report on the same issue by Aspiring Minds they also shown same figure of data that 0nly 7% of engineering student are employable.

Only 7% of students will be placed at average CTC of 3 to 5 lacs PA, and rest of them have to join on 8 to 10 thousand monthly salary.

An IITian joined group D as a Track maintainer.

After all these shameful reports for our Education system and Government policies I found a news about an IITian joined for group D job as a track maintainer in Dhanbad Division of Indian Railways.

Now why all these are happening:

History of Indian Education System.

These are not todays problem it’s has started since 19th century when East India Company captured all over India and establishing his manufacturing plants in India. Then they required manpower, basically three kinds of manpower.

  1. Workers
  2. Accountants
  3. Security Forces

For these employments they started a training system in English language because they can communicate them easily. Now the most importantly we can judge and image about all three job which they ware hiring are Idealess, Creativity less, and Innovation less, only a follower kind of job. And the training what they had started in 19th century converted into modern Indian Education after Independency. And we are still following the same syllabus.

Modern Indian Education System.

Engineering and all technical education should be based on New Ideas, Innovation, Creation. But our education system focuses on attendance marks, 90% classes focussed for theory only 10% on practical.

Teacher not upgrading themselves due to old system.

Our engineering teacher not making update themselves with new trending and future demanding technologies according to a survey report by 2030 85% of industries is going to be disappear. And some other industries will take place of it. So, this is very perfect time to upgrade themselves. Because if you are not upgrading yourself then you are downgrading yourself.

Student approach for engineering.

According to a survey report 90% of engineering student have no idea that why he is doing engineering.

85% of student are doing for job after his engineering completed.

10% of student doing engineering because of business.

3% of student are not clear about what they will do.

Only 2% of student wants to go for research & Development.

Now we can image an Engineering Student thinks that engineering is nothing but a shortcut for job.

Collage teacher never involve with project, internship, practical, and when they ask for a project student borrow a fake project and submitted it. Collage never check about authenticity of the project.


Anant Kaushal

